Pastor James A. Whitfield
Founder & Pastor
Divine Covenant Restoration Center
Pastor James Whitfield is the founder and leader of Divine Covenant Restoration Center. As the pastor of DCRC, he provides outstanding spiritual leadership to the members of Divine Covenant Restoration Center. He has a heart for helping men fulfill their God-given purpose and he encourages everyone to develop a personal relationship with God. He does not simply preach during worship services, but he studies and meditates on the word of God daily so that he may interpret biblical scriptures for easy understanding for the congregation of DCRC. His core belief is "God's Word is our Final Authority".
Mary Whitfield
First Lady | Minister
Lady Mary Whitfield is the wife of Pastor James Whitfield. She is responsible to all members of DCRC, but she has a phenomenal gift in ministering to the women of our church & our community. Through grace, love and a sincere desire to help women of all ages, Lady Whitfield's knowledge from life experiences and meditating on the Word of God has made her an invaluable resource to women in need of healing.
Edward Burrus
Deacon | Board Member | Minister of Music
Deacon Ed Burrus is the Minister of Music and a great support to DCRC. Not only does Deacon Burrus share his amazing gift of music with the congregation of our church & our community, he assists in nearly every aspect of our church. Every fourth Sunday of the month, Deacon Burrus delivers a powerful message of clarity and encouragement. He is truly an asset to our church family.
Connie Hooker
Deacon | Board Member
Deacon Connie Hooker is a great support in many areas of DCRC. Deacon Hooker ensures that our church services run smoothly as he coordinates church security as well as the sound ministry. He excels in providing exceptional service with everything that he does, while ensuring our services are running efficiently. He is also a great contact for men of all ages as he is a great example of a true man of God.
Jackie Hooker
Church Administrator | Finance Officer | Praise & Worship Leader | Board Member
DCRC Member Jackie Hooker is one of our main contact for DCRC. Jackie represents DCRC with complete professionalism and works in the spirit excellence. When she is not ministering to the congregation through her gift in music, she is also a Finance Officer for the church. She is also a valuable member of the Marriage Ministry and Women's Ministry.
Valencia Burrus
Finance Officer | Board Member | Kingdom Kids Ministry
Valencia Burrus is also one of our Finance Officers at Divine Covenant Restoration Center. Valencia is a great asset to the DCRC family as she is also a great contact to the women of our church & the community. Her true understanding of the Word of God, her spiritual sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and her kind and welcoming nature, makes her a great support to the women that she encounters.
Michele Whitfield
Praise & Worship Leader | Board Member | Kingdom Kids Ministry
Michelle Whitfield is a valuable member of the DCRC family. She is a dedicated leader of the Praise Team as she shares her gift through song and ministers, not only to the church, but to the community. Not only does she serve as a Praise & Worship leader, she is also a Board Member and a part of the Kingdom Kids Ministry.